Explore Canada
Basic information about Canada
we hope, newcomers Adaptation and Acculturation soon as possible in Canada.
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Total area: 9,984,670 km2, the second-largest country in the world. Area north of the treeline: 2,728,800 km2, over 27% of Canada's total area. Land border: 8,890-km border with the United States, the longest international border in the world.
The current population of Canada is 38,058,615 as of Thursday, June 17, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. The population density in Canada is 4 per Km2 (11 people per mi2).
Canada is a huge country, largely characterized by freezing winters: latitude and continentality, as well as the position of the mountain ranges, make it one of the coldest countries on Earth.
Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, founded on the rule of law and respect for rights and freedoms. The government acts in the name of the Crown but derives its authority from the Canadian people.
Nature Canada is one of the oldest national nature conservation charities in Canada. For 80 years, Nature Canada has helped protect over 110 million acres of parks and wildlife areas in Canada and countless species.
The latest edition of the World Economic League Table places Canada as the world's 10th-largest economy based on its GDP of US$1.731 trillion (CAD$2.251 trillion) in 2019.
Number of People
canada immigrants per year
Average Temprature (°C)
Area (km2)
We create 3 separate web pages about most populous city in the Canada
Toronto is Canada's largest city and a world leader in such areas as business, finance, technology, entertainment and culture. Its large population of immigrants from all over the globe has also made Toronto one of the most multicultural cities in the world.
Montreal is a major industrial centre, commercial and financial metropolis, railway and maritime bridgehead, and one of the centres of francophone culture in North America. It is one of the world's great cities and enjoys international acclaim.
The City of Vancouver is a coastal, seaport city on the mainland of British Columbia. Located on the western half of the Burrard Peninsula, Vancouver is bounded to the north by English Bay and the Burrard Inlet and to the south by the Fraser River.